ペンギンは、おそらくその優れたエネルギー効率でよく知られています。つまり、少ない電力で冷やすことができるのです。往復動型、スクリュースクロール型、遠心型のコンプレッサーを製造しています。それぞれのタイプは特定の用途向けに作られています。モーターから冷蔵庫まで、何千もの製品に使用されています。世界中に広く展開しており、お客様はペンギンの製品を入手できます。 コンプレッサークーラー この市場リーダーから、世界中のほぼどこでも製品を購入し、サポートを受けることができます。
最先端の技術に基づいているという事実は、ペンギンの注目すべき特徴です。 半密閉型コンプレッサーペンギンの EC モーターなどの特別に設計された省エネ低消費電力技術は、天然資源の保護に大きく貢献しています。また、常にコスト削減策を探しているお客様にとって理想的なソリューションでもあります。さらに、ペンギン コンプレッサーのインテリジェント制御システムは、正確でエネルギー効率の高い温度を維持するのに役立ちます。
Penguinhas great concern with nature. For this reason it seeks to produceenvironmentally sustainable cooling systems. They create compressors. These arespecifically focused on reducing carbon emissions. This is crucial part ofnew-era technology. For example, Penguin's CO2 trans critical compressors usesnatural refrigerants such as Carbon Dioxide. Natural refrigerants are efficientand environmentally friendly too. Especially for super markets and airconditioning situations.
Penguinis the name of a popular compressor used in numerous applications worldwide.Their reliability is nowhere better showcased than in data centers. Thesecenters need to be cooled around the clock. This keeps servers working at theirbest. In supermarkets these compressors are also crucial part in preservingfood fresh for the customers. Their ammonia screw compressors are one of theirmost popular models. These Penguin 密閉型コンプレッサー 産業用冷凍アプリケーションに使用されます。
The key to keepingyour Penguin compressor running for many years without giving a problem isproper care and maintenance. Performing regular maintenance on your equipmentcan help avoid small problems from becoming costly repair bills. It is alsovery important to prevent use of the compressors in excessive heat. Less thanideal conditions cause reduced performance. Spying on these will enable hintsof wear and tear at a beginning phase. This can help find ways to prevent it.Furthermore should the air intake of the compressor starts accumulating dirt ittoo can start affecting its performance.
Shanghai Penguin Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd. a specialist in the Bitzer compressorand research design of refrigeration compressors. Machines units are widely utilized cold storage facilities like freezing and refrigeration in chemical industry, oil refining, pharmaceuticals, restaurants supermarkets, food industries.
Bitzer compressororder low and could include accessory. Factory production offer customized services.
unit and compressor has Bitzer compressortitle provincial "Trustworthy Product" the national production license industrial products.
From procurement through delivery, have a staff that is mature provide professional technical Bitzer compressor, online technical support the duration one year following the purchase. Sales coverage the world advanced logistics lines, the mission will be reached.