Eles são talvez mais conhecidos por sua notável eficiência energética. O que significa que eles vão mantê-lo relaxado enquanto usam menos energia. Os compressores do tipo alternativo, parafuso scroll e centrífugo são fabricados por eles. Cada tipo é criado para aplicações específicas. Você os encontrará em milhares de produtos. Variando de motores a refrigeradores. Com uma grande presença em todo o mundo, os clientes podem adquirir o Penguin resfriador de compressor produtos e obtenha suporte em quase qualquer lugar do mundo deste líder de mercado.
O fato de serem baseados em tecnologia de ponta é uma característica marcante da Penguin compressores semi-herméticos. Como os motores EC da Penguin, a tecnologia especialmente projetada de baixo consumo de energia e economia de energia é uma contribuição considerável para proteger nossos recursos naturais. Também é uma solução ideal para clientes sempre em busca de medidas para economizar dinheiro. Além disso, os sistemas de controle inteligentes dos compressores Penguin ajudam a manter temperaturas precisas e com eficiência energética.
Penguinhas great concern with nature. For this reason it seeks to produceenvironmentally sustainable cooling systems. They create compressors. These arespecifically focused on reducing carbon emissions. This is crucial part ofnew-era technology. For example, Penguin's CO2 trans critical compressors usesnatural refrigerants such as Carbon Dioxide. Natural refrigerants are efficientand environmentally friendly too. Especially for super markets and airconditioning situations.
Penguinis the name of a popular compressor used in numerous applications worldwide.Their reliability is nowhere better showcased than in data centers. Thesecenters need to be cooled around the clock. This keeps servers working at theirbest. In supermarkets these compressors are also crucial part in preservingfood fresh for the customers. Their ammonia screw compressors are one of theirmost popular models. These Penguin compressores herméticos são usados para aplicações de refrigeração industrial.
The key to keepingyour Penguin compressor running for many years without giving a problem isproper care and maintenance. Performing regular maintenance on your equipmentcan help avoid small problems from becoming costly repair bills. It is alsovery important to prevent use of the compressors in excessive heat. Less thanideal conditions cause reduced performance. Spying on these will enable hintsof wear and tear at a beginning phase. This can help find ways to prevent it.Furthermore should the air intake of the compressor starts accumulating dirt ittoo can start affecting its performance.
Shanghai Penguin Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd. a specialist in the Bitzer compressorand research design of refrigeration compressors. Machines units are widely utilized cold storage facilities like freezing and refrigeration in chemical industry, oil refining, pharmaceuticals, restaurants supermarkets, food industries.
Bitzer compressororder low and could include accessory. Factory production offer customized services.
unit and compressor has Bitzer compressortitle provincial "Trustworthy Product" the national production license industrial products.
From procurement through delivery, have a staff that is mature provide professional technical Bitzer compressor, online technical support the duration one year following the purchase. Sales coverage the world advanced logistics lines, the mission will be reached.